The American TV sitcom that was once regarded as the funniest show on television “Arrested Development” is returning for a fifth season on Netflix. One of the show’s Executive Producers Brian Grazer revealed that they will soon begin production for the 17 episodes of Season 5 of the series.
In a recent interview with a US magazine, Grazer said that he loves “Arrested Development” and never realized that the show commands some of the most loyal TV viewers, notes the Christian Post.
Sentimental and loyal fans of the American television sitcom which originally aired on Fox for three season from November 2, 2003 to February 10, 2006, followed by a 15-episode fourth season that took a long time coming and shown on Netflix on May 26, 2013, hopes that the upcoming fifth season will go back to the treatment used in the first three seasons.
There has been news that the show has been cancelled after Season 3 due to low viewership ratings but it has been renewed a few years later.
Back in 2011, “Arrested Development” was even referred to as the funniest TV show of all time. But when its fourth season started airing on Netflix some two years later, the series has somewhat lost its punch
Different treatment
Although Season 4 was well received by viewers when it was aired on Netflix in 2013, many of the loyal fans of the show believed that something was missing, in terms of treatment on the sitcom.
They are now hoping that when “Arrested Development” returns for Season 5, it shall go back to the original treatment used by the show creator and producers during its first three seasons since it has been proven to draw the best laughs among televiewers..
“Arrested Development” does not have a huge fan following but the few fans that it have are very sentimental and loyal to the TV series. They are surely excited to know that the show is coming back for a fifth season this year.
Because “Arrested Development” Season 4 fell a tad short from the three previous seasons of the show in terms of treatment, nearly everyone already expected that there will be no more Season 5.
Wrong guess
But it seems that nearly everyone guessed wrong and are nonetheless happy to be proven wrong when reports came out that a Season 5 is forthcoming.
It now appears that the fictitious Bluth family, a formerly wealthy and habitually dysfunctional family, will be back for another 17 episodes for Season 5 to be aired again on Netflix.
What makes “Arrested Development” unique compared to other TV series is the fact that the show is presented in a continuous format that incorporates handheld camera work, narration archival photos, and historical footage.
Arrested Development did exceptionally well on Netflix, and it was always expected that Season 5 or a movie would follow. The format for season four was generally well received by long-time fans of the show, but people new to the show who has sped-watch through the first three seasons generally didn’t like that the now-famous stars like Michael Cera and Will Arnett were missing from some episodes. Season four was a huge success, but the media narrative that some people didn’t like the format got regurgitated endlessly by writers who aren’t familiar with the show.
Well said Franklin. New viewers to the show did not appreciate the new format of season 4 because they have not experienced the comical payoffs multiple viewings offered. From the subtle excited laughs that Tobias and Lindsay share to the banner and refrigerator jokes. Critics seem to have a stick up their “bung-hole” about the show.
Season 4 of AD was as perfect as it could be with the actors conflict in schedules and the changes in appearance that a 6 year hiatus will do to a show. All of which were poked at in the new season and noticed by the true and still loyal devotees such as myself. There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!!