‘The Temple of Doom Cannons’ Update Rolls Out to ‘Boom Beach’

The game pits the player against an enemy known as “The Blackguard” who is often represented by Lt. Hammerman.

In addition to the main aspect of the game, “Boom Beach” also comes in a cooperative gameplay where players gather intel by surviving or ordering attacks or by rewards. They can then use this intel to attack other bases.

On April 24, “Boom Beach” also took on some updates that include re-balancing feature which did not suit well with most gamers.

With the re-balancing feature, the player’s defensive statue boost time has been decreased considerably, freed Kual villages produces less gold, and player base resources are now smaller. In other words, the game has been made more difficult and challenging now for mobile video gamers.

Supercell explained that the idea behind the re-balancing is to restore balance in the in-game economy of “Boom Beach.”

A successful raid on an enemy base usually results in some plundered loot. But now, there’s a Bonus Loot system which is a minimum baseline reward that is meant to ensure that attacking players always get the bounty from a raid. Bonus Loot does not come out of another player’s coffers but it is generated out of thin air or a gift from “Boom Beach” itself.

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