Jackie Chan is Singapore’s First Anti-Drug Ambassador; Tells Youth to Stay Away from Drugs

The Singapore government has named Hollywood actor and Chinese martial artist Jackie Chan as its first anti-drug ambassador.

Over in his home country of China, Jackie Chan is also the anti-drugs ambassador and deputy to the national legislature’s main consultative body.

Speaking before thousands of students at the Nanyang Polytechnic on May 7, Jackie Chan said that their only choice is to stay away from drugs, citing that they cannot experiment with drugs lest they get hooked on it and eventually become its victims, notes UPI.

Countries in Southeast Asia have been intensifying their respective campaigns against illegal drugs that have been wrecking havoc on thousands of lives of their youths. Most of them have actually initiated high-profile campaigns to stop the trade dead on its tracks.

Right man for the job

Jackie has the capability to lecture young ones over illegal drug use as his son Jaycee Chan recently got himself entangled in a legal mess after getting hooked on the habit.

Jaycee Chan is the son of Jackie by former Taiwanese actress Li Feng-jiao. He grew up in Los Angeles and appeared in more than 20 films, mostly B-movies from Hong Kong and mainland China production companies.

China needed high-profile arrests in its campaign to set an example to the public and to show the Chinese public that the government is really serious on eradicating illegal drugs and apprehending illegal drug users in its country.

Jaycee was apprehended in August and sentenced to jail despite having his father Jackie Chan as the Chinese anti-drugs ambassador

Police found 100 grams of marijuana at Jaycee Chan’s home in Beijing at the time of his arrest. The arrest of Jaycee Chan is one good example because it means that the Chinese government is leaving no stones unturned with its campaign. Jackie Chan publicly apologized for the behaviour and arrest of his son but he refused to use his connections in the Chinese government to lighten his son’s sentence.

Jaycee was released from jail in February this year after serving a six-month prison sentence for possession and use of marijuana.

jackie chan

Jackie explained that he never thought that illegal drug use would happen to his family but it did. He added that the day that he found out that it happened to his family, he felt so ashamed and also angry. The incident on Jaycee has further strengthened his opposition and resolve against illegal drugs.

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