Kate Upton Got Only a Million Dollars as Image Model for Game of War: Fire Age?

According to Roitfield, Kate has always been everything she loves because she is the opposite of the 60-year-old editor. She added that Kate represents different types of beauty and the sexual fantasies of all men.

The former Vogue editor decided to place the Sports Illustrated favorite model on the cover of her new magazine because Kate was not ordinary and she also had a very sensual body. Roitfield said she did not want a normal body for the shoot, preferring instead for someone with a sensual body and who could be a mother for all these babies.

She says that Kate is not a controversial model and neither is she a classic model which is what the editor was really looking for.

Shot by Sebastian Faena, Upton really looks stunning in the photo wearing a silk gown and a Gucci satin shirt.

An article posted on the “CR Men’s Book” website about Kate’s shoot further explains why the actress and model was chosen to star in the debut publication, describing the blonde bombshell as a strong woman whose looks and personality, Carine believes, will resonate with all of the magazine’s readers.

The article says that for more than one reason, it’s only fitting for supermodel Kate Upton to be cast for the first issue of our “CR Men’s Book.”

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