Homeland Season 5 Will Introduce Something Very Special Between Quinn and Saul!

As the new season of “Homeland” approaches, various bits of news have been coming out about the show and it’s been surrounded by different rumors as well. It’s pretty clear at this point that we’re going to get a very interesting season that will change the overall setting of the show a little bit, but it will probably be for the better. Some of the characters are going to be expanded significantly, and the relationships between some of them will be deepened and explored in much more detail.

In particular, Quinn might end up in a very peculiar situation, split between Carrie and Saul as he tries to figure out where his feelings truly are. The problem is that he’ll have to decide between love and loyalty, and essentially end up choosing between two different people – a choice that can never be simple, especially in his circumstances.

We’ve already seen Quinn suffering quite a lot and spiraling further into a dark place in his mind, and we’re apparently going to see him in an even darker state in season 5 after he’s spent some time in Syria between the two seasons. He doesn’t have any plans to integrate himself into normal society and live a regular life, and he’s completely obsessed with the parts of his life that lead him on the way to self-destruction.

Of course, if anything can help him it’s a good relationship with another person, and that’s probably exactly what the producers are going to explore in season 5, showing him from a more humane perspective and revealing what he truly feels about some people around him. The friendship between him and Carrie is something that few other shows on TV have managed to describe in such a beautiful and touching way, and this will play a major role in the plot of the new season too.

However, that friendship can also cause a lot of trouble for both of them, which is why season 5 is also going to be full of a lot of drama and conflict, and we’re likely going to see some unexpected developments that might shock fans to some extent. Hopefully the writers are planning at least something positive for the character in season 5, as it might be too much to put him under so much stress for the upcoming episodes of the show.

Meanwhile, Carrie will be dealing with issues of her own after her move to Berlin, and the show might portray some more unusual sides of her personality during those internal struggles that she’ll be going through. It won’t be just an internal issue though, as we’re also hearing reports that she’ll have to deal with problems on all sides, including from people with a lot of power. Her old agency isn’t just going to let her go like that, and we expect to actually see a lot of development on that front, possibly even leading to some thrilling moments during her stay in Germany.

homeland season 5

And the fact that Saul and Carrie had their relations strained a bit at the end of season 4 could possibly cause additional trouble for Quinn, as he will be caught in the middle of the “crossfire” between them. That’s probably what the reports/rumors are referring to when they claim that the character will have to choose between the two of them, but hopefully it’s only going to be a temporary situation and not some kind of choice for cutting out one of those people permanently.

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