Popcorn Time Is Now more Popular in Google Searches for the Word “Popcorn” Than the Food Itself!

Meanwhile, big media companies keep quiet about Popcorn Time and its effect on the market. It’s getting more and more clear that people have a huge interest in this service and want to keep using it on a regular basis, but of course this has been met with a lot of opposition from the big players in the industry.

There have been talks about how Popcorn Time could change its business model to become a legitimate service and survive on the market in the future, but there doesn’t seem to be an easy answer so far.

Plus, they seem to be doing more or less fine operating in their current way, so they might not have too much of a reason to legitimize their streaming services in the first place. We don’t know what their business model is right now, but considering that the service not only survives but keeps improving as well, its developers are apparently motivated enough to keep developing it more actively.

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