‘Narcos’ Season 3 Brings in Miguel Angel Silvester to Take On the Role of Money Launderer for the Cartel

Production for Season 3 of the American crime drama TV series “Narcos” on Netflix is proceeding according to schedule but casting additions are being done by the producers as they see fit.

The latest casting inclusion to the popular show is Miguel Angel Silvestre, who shall be taking on the role of money launderer for the cartel. Silvestre is best remembered for his role in films such as “Sense 8” and “Velvet.”

It is assumed that Silvestre’s character will launder the money for the Cali Cartel of Colombia, who rose to power following the death of Pablo Escobar and his Medellin Cartel in Season 2, reports the International Business Times of Singapore.

In addition to being the official money launderer of the cartel, Silvestre’s character shall be an enigmatic person who also has a love story that is bitter and full of hatred, reveals the actor.

After the demise of Escobar, there were speculations as to which character will emerge as the new drug kingpin of Colombia and latest rumors are saying that it would be Helmer ‘Pacho’ Herrera of the Cali Cartel. However, it should be taken with a fine grain of salt since executive producer Eric Newman has not confirmed the information yet.

The show is about the cocaine business

In a recent interview, Newsman explained that since “Narcos” is about cocaine, the TV series will certainly not end with the death of Pablo Escobar after Season 2.

He explained that in the same way that Osama Bin Laden begets ISIS, the Medellin Cartel begets the Cali Cartel who shall then beget the Mexican cartels.

Newsman added that while both the Cali Cartel and the Mexican cartels existed at the same time, it was the former who got the latter into the business of cocaine, which proved to be a much better business than heroin.

Filming for “Narcos” Season 3 is now happening in Bogota, Colombia, and no less than actor Silvestre shared a short video clip of the filming of the TV series on his Instagram account recently, details the University Herald.

Escobar was not killed but shot himself

It can be recalled that Season 2 of “Narcos” showed how the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the Colombian authorities cornered Pablo Escobar and shot him dead on the roof as he was about to escape from his pursuers in Medellin.

However, there is now a revelation by the real-life son of the former Colombian drug kingpin that his father was not actually shot by the police but killed himself.

Sebastian Marroquin, whose previous name was Juan Pablo Escobar, said that he is certain that his father killed himself, contrary to what was shown and depicted in “Narcos” Season 2.

Marroquin claimed that he is absolutely certain that his father killed himself. He made the statement during the launch of his new book entitled “Pablo Escobar: In Fraganti” which means “Pablo Escobar: Red-Handed” in English. He recalled that he even talked to his father 10 minutes before the latter shot himself in order to protect his family from being taken by the authorities.

Escobar’s son also hit the producers of “Narcos” for the 28 inaccuracies that it featured despite being given access to the Escobar family photos and videos.

Supporting Marroquin’s claim that Pablo Escobar shot himself and not by pursuing authorities, the autopsy report showed the drug kingpin having three bullet wounds on his body.

His new book is actually the second he wrote about his father in a little over a year. Just before the TV series premiered on Netflix in September last year, Marroquin also published “Pablo Escobar: My Father” in English version.

Back then he said that he is not worried about his father’s reputation as a drug kingpin but on the image of the narcotics dealers being projected as cool by the TV series.

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