A liver tonic can help to release any excess toxins which are sitting in the liver. The liver filters toxins out of the body – and if it didn’t people would be sick all the time. The liver never stops working and it’s a good idea to include foods in a balanced daily diet which will aid the liver and ensure that it can work to the best of its ability. This will result in a strengthened immune system and a digestive system which works smoothly.
A cleanse is believed to revitalise the body which gives the individual more energy and a healthy body. Here’s a few of the herbs which are guaranteed to cleanse the liver.
Burdock is one of the most common herbs used for a liver detox, and it is used to ease an upset digestive system, reduce bloating and improve digestion. Burdock has been particularly effective in the treatment of a liver which has been damaged by alcohol abuse. It is so effective that it does not only heal the liver, it protects the liver from further damage.
Borututu Bark:
Borututu bark is a herbal remedy for gallbladder disease and is used in the treatment of jaundice and biliary colic. It is packed full of antioxidants which protect the liver which relieves the liver of excess toxins and allows it to function at its best.
Milk Thistle Seed:
For decades, milk thistle has been used to regenerate the cells of the liver which have been damaged by alcohol. Like Borututu bark, milk thistle also detoxifies the gallbladder and promotes the production of bile. Milk thistle is also great for overall improved digestion.
Dandelion Roots:
Dandelion roots stimulate the production of bile, which is an incredibly vital substance for digestion. The increase in bile helps the liver to filter out toxins which enter the body through food quickly and effectively.
Chanca Piedra:
A herb used by the indigenous people of the Amazon, Chanca Piedra is known for clearing liver, gallbladder, and kidney stones from the digestive system. It does so by inhibiting the production of calcified stones in the body.
It also works in unison with other herbs and promotes bile production and aids the liver in expelling any toxins it may be holding.
Chicory Root:
Chicory root has multiple health benefits for the entire digestive system which include fighting and preventing jaundice, relieving indigestion and constipation and breaking down urinary; liver; and kidney stones. A non-digestive related benefit of chicory root is that it relieves symptoms of depression and headaches.
Peppermint is a wonder herb for the digestive system. It is used to relieve bloating and it reduces cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels inhibit the liver and reducing these levels makes the liver’s job much easier.
Tumeric is such a powerful liver detoxifying root that it earned the name ‘liver rejuvenator’. Tumeric stimulates the enzymes responsible for detoxifying the body. Tumeric is also known for its ability to fight off carcinogens.
Greater Celandine:
Used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, celandine cleanses the liver and aids in the elimination of foreign substances in the body. It is also known for relieving gallbladder cramps.
Yellow Dock:
Yellow dock is known as a blood purifier and prevents toxins from entering the liver and the bloodstream. This is an important herb for a liver detox because it lessens the load on the liver which, in turn, keeps the liver from being overworked.