Production work for the science-fiction movie “Prometheus 2,” which is officially titled “Alien: Covenant,” has already shifted to high gear and filming for the sequel to the 2012 hit flick is expected to wrap up early next year in time for its worldwide release date of August 4, 2017.
Critically-acclaimed writer, producer, and director Ridley Scott, who is helming “Alien: Covenant” just like the first “Alien” film and “Prometheus,” has been dropping hints as to what exactly fans can expect from the anticipated follow-up movie, reports the Cheat Sheet.
In addition to previously making the full disclosure on the movie’s official title, Ridley Scott also confirmed that actor Michael Fassbender is set to reprise his role of the synthetic David in the upcoming “Prometheus” sequel. David is the lone survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition in the original movie.
Producers 20th Century Fox also released the synopsis of “Alien: Covenant” early this year and alluded that the crew of the colony ship Covenant will go through an uncharted paradise in their mission to go to a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy. It is on the planet where they will find David.
Unbeknown to them, the Xenomorph alien is also on the same planet and that is where all the excitement and suspense shall emanate.
Back or not?
While Ridley Scott has previously confirmed early this year that actress Noomi Rapace would no longer be reprising her role as Elizabeth Shaw in “Alien: Covenant” the way she did in “Prometheus,” there are now rumors saying that the actress may be back in the sequel after all.
She was recently spotted in Australia to shoot weeks worth of scenes in “Alien: Covenant.” Previously, reports were saying that Katherine Waterston shall be taking over the role of Noomi Rapace as the franchise’s new female lead. So it would be interesting to see both Rapace and Waterston in the film.
While it generated a mixed reception from film critics in 2012, “Prometheus” earned $400 million at the worldwide box-office to guarantee a sequel, notes the Digital Spy.
“Alien: Covenant” shall allow Ridley Scott to return to the universe he himself created with the first “Alien” film released back in 1979, considered by critics as a seminal work of science fiction.
In addition to Waterston, other new cast members for “Alien: Covenant” include Billy Crudup, Danny McBride, and Demian Bichir.
“The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Her” actress Katherine Waterston, will play the role of Daniels in the film.
Other members include Jussie Smollett of “Empire,” Amy Seimetz, Carmen Ejogo, Callie Hernandez, Alexander England, and newcomer Benjamin Rigby.
A well-established connection
Filming for the sequel of “Prometheus 2” is now underway and all eyes are on Ridley Scott, who happens to be helming the movie officially titled “Alien: Covenant.”
A recent behind-the-scene photo of “Alien: Covenant” was posted on the official Alien Facebook page and the image showed not the Xenomorphs or any of the stars of the show but Director Ridley Scott, regarded by fans and critics as an immortal filmmaker.
Scott’s connection with the franchise is very well-established. He directed the first “Alien” movie starring Sigourney Weaver that was released in 1979. He then came back in 2012 to direct “Prometheus.”
The director’s career has been full of hits and misses, with the misses coming occasionally, given the volume of movies he has directed over several decades. Scott obviously had his fair share of masterpieces and fans are optimistic that “Prometheus 2” or “Alien: Covenant” can be his next addition to his success list.
According to sources close to the director, Ridley Scott wants to helm another absolute winner in “Alien: Covenant,” especially coming on the heels of the financial and critical success of “The Martian” shown last year.