More and More People Buying Less Gallons of Gasoline as Motorists Start Shift to Battery-Electric Cars!

Whether analysts or critics, believe it or not, a survey asking a handful of motorists when would they buy their last gallon of gasoline ever, 35% of the respondents said that they have stopped doing so.

The statistics, though random and certainly not conclusive, still indicate that the shift to battery-electric vehicles has come upon the motoring industry and it would just be a matter of time when every member of the household would drive zero-emission vehicles.

It is common knowledge that in order to ensure zero-emission from motor vehicles, it should not be powered by fuel but by electricity. Not too long ago, only Tesla Motors Corporation has a fully electric vehicle.

These days, there is already the Nissan Leaf, the Chevy Bolt, and plenty of hybrids that was once dominated only by the Toyota Prius. Even the Ford Fusion Hybrid that the American carmaker recently introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2017 early this month is almost 90% electric and the fuel is just for backup purposes.

The trend is high in North America

The use of electric vehicles is quite high in North America as it was obviously the rich market that Tesla Motors Corporation eyed right from the start when it first unveiled the Tesla Roadster nearly a decade ago.

Based on recent reports, electric cars in North America now numbers to half a million of the roughly 250 million vehicles in total in the continent. While it is quite small in any language, some critics believe that it is a remarkable percentage.

However, what seems astounding is that although most people are still using fuel-powered vehicles, consumers are looking forward to the day when they can get their hands on an electric vehicle.

Based on the Twitter survey, 34% of consumers believe that they will buy their last gallon of gasoline in 2020, 25% in 2030, and only 6% in 2050. This means that 94% of the respondents believe that the near full electrification of vehicles will actually happen by 2030 which is a mere 13 years from now.

The recent survey also jibes with many predictions by analysts and others that electric cars will reach price parity with gasoline cars sometime during the next decade, details Green Car Reports.

Will still be on the road afterward

It’s worth noting that even if motorists purge their household vehicle fleet of all internal combustion engines, gasoline and diesel vehicles will be on the road long afterward.

The national vehicle fleet has been turning over more and more slowly as cars get more reliable and drivers keep them longer, especially as a result of the recent economic recession.

The average vehicle on US roads is now roughly 12 years old, which is quite good.

That means that even if a person says no new combustion-engined cars will be sold after 2040, gas pumps will still be needed for another 20 to 30 years.

Still, those motorists believe that gasoline or fuel will still be the foremost driver of vehicles even in the light of the ongoing electrification of cars not only in the US but in other first-world countries.

Critics believe that motorists can save on gas in a big way if they buy their fuel in bulk. Relatively, only a few consumers can do it and enjoy the convenience of a gas station right at the house, but saving 50 cents to $1 per gallon is worth the effort and expense of doing it, reports Frugal Living Freedom.

Buying cheap gasoline is easy if people buy in bulk in January or February when it’s at its lowest price. This is how to cut down on the cost of fuel for vehicles and equipment.

Gas prices go down during the winter and up during the summer. Whether one thinks it’s price gouging or just supply and demand in action, it makes no difference. It is what it is.

Until a consumer creates the market place, alternatives like making his own fuel, he is stuck with buying it from some outfit that does.

Buying in bulk has costs, but they are worth it. It is a big outlay of cash to buy fuel in bulk. So, one has to purchase a storage tank, generally 300 to 500-gallon capacity, and a stand for gravity feed filling of his vehicle or vehicles.

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