There have been some worries among fans of “House of Cards” that season 4 of the show could show a major character dying, but so far we don’t know who that is exactly. The most likely target is Doug Stamper, and fans have started to really look at this theory seriously after a recent interview with Michael Kelly.
According to the actor, he was alive at the end of season three – and he added that he wouldn’t be surprised if Beau was behind his bedroom door right that moment. However, he didn’t want to add anything else, and we don’t know how much exactly he’s aware of regarding the fate of his character. Of course, even if he does know that he’s about to be killed off for good, he definitely isn’t going to spoil that to the show’s fans.
“House of Cards” is pretty well-known for killing characters occasionally, sometimes even doing it to more important ones too. It doesn’t matter if someone is well-liked by fans or not, nobody is safe once the writers of the show have decided to add a little drama to it with yet another departure. Even big characters occasionally get targeted, so there is no guarantee that Doug Stamper might remain on the screen for much longer.
In season 3, we saw him nearly dying after Rachel knocked him out cold, and fans were pretty much ready to accept the fact that he was apparently dead. However, he has returned, but season 4 might change that and kill him off for good.
What else is coming for the new season of the show? The finale of season 3 was mostly concerned with the relationship of Claire and Frank, showing their split-up and leaving many implications for the future of the show. We don’t know what the writers are planning yet, but a rivalry between these two characters could easily be an amazing addition to an already well-written and produced show.
However, not all fans of “House of Cards” were that happy with the amount of attention the couple’s relationship got at the end of season 3, and some were apparently hoping that they would get a glimpse into other subplots before the season was over. It seems like the producers want to keep those for the next season pretty much entirely – which could also be good, as it could mean that we’re going to see some very interesting and tense episodes in season 4.
The way the season ended with regards to the relationship between Claire and Frank also wasn’t taken that well by all fans, and some saw it as a too dramatic change in the already intense plot. However, “House of Cards” has proven to be a show that regularly breaks various barriers, and we don’t expect the writers to hold off on the drama in any way during season 4.
If anything, we would even expect them to deliver the most intense season that we’ve seen so far, pushing the limits of the production even further. After all, we’ve seen the show on the news plenty of times due to its drama and controversial developments, and the producers are likely well aware of the fact that this is a major attracting factor for their fan base. So they would be smart to capitalize on that and introduce even more moments that have fans at the edge of their seats during season 4. On the other hand, some have been worried that the show might “jump the shark” if it does that too much, but there is a long way to go until then.