There will likely be a lot of tension between the characters of “Criminal Minds” very soon, as the showrunners are apparently planning something quite serious. We’ve been hearing more and more about the upcoming season 11 of the show and it looks like the production is going to take on a more dramatic approach to its storytelling, throwing some extra conflict between certain characters and introducing a lot of uncertainty within the agency.
One of the more interesting details that we’ve been hearing about the new season is that there might be a mole within the agency leaking information to the outside world, although we have no idea who that could be or what his/her motivations are. This will definitely make the plot a lot more dramatic and exciting for those who like mystery and drama though, and we wouldn’t be surprised if the writers are actually planning a very dramatic revelation for the identity of that mole.
And of course, fans have already been speculating on who that might be and how the story might play out, although this part of the plot is still completely open to interpretation and there haven’t been any strong rumors that could indicate the possible culprit.
In other news, the show is going to open its new season with a very unusual case, one that will truly put the team’s skills to test and will require everyone to think hard and concentrate on solving the issue as quickly as possible. We’re going to start with a case that involves a lot of gore, and the new villain in the first episode will be someone who attacks his victims in a very stealthy way, gaining advantage over them quickly and exploiting his sneaky nature to his advantage.
What’s more, he will have a very peculiar element to his method of operation that will have the team puzzled at least for a while, but they will eventually figure out why he does that and what the whole purpose behind his killings is. And then, we’re likely going to be presented with a quite unusual revelation that will leave fans shocked and maybe even slightly puzzled.
Season 11 will also introduce various new villains to the character lineup, although no specific details have been revealed yet and we don’t really have any idea what to expect there. However, fans can already be seen discussing the possible implications on online messaging boards, talking about the kinds of new enemies that the team could end up facing and how they could defeat them.
There will be a more major group of villains as well which will reportedly prevail throughout most of the episode, constantly troubling the characters and causing a lot of trouble. They will be called “The Dirty Dozen”, and the storyline about them will last all throughout season 11, with the finale of the season making the big revelation about who these people are and what they want from the characters.
Other than that, we’re going to see some new actors introduced to the show in new roles, such as a new psychologist played by none other than Aisha Tyler, aiding the team on their more complicated cases and helping them make sense of some of the unusual developments in their investigations. Fans have been calling for a new major character for a while now, and the producers have apparently finally decided to respond.